Xtreme Hip-Hop (Beginners)

From: $10.00

The Tuesday night class is held at Studio360 – 12403 Nacogdoches Rd #104, San Antonio, TX 78217. Please aim to arrive on time so that class can flow smoothly. Click here for a step-by-step video tutorial on the basics with Phil!

The beginners class is a 60 min block, where we will work hard and progressively improve from the basics to more challenging intermediate steps! For our all levels class that caters a bit more to intermediate/advanced steppers, you may click this link.

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SKU: Z1F-001-2 Categories: ,

Xtreme Hip-Hop is a modern rendition of traditional step aerobics created by Phillip Weeden, utilizing predominantly Hip-Hop music, but may feature other genres. This class timeslot is geared towards beginners. This class also entails segments of Xtreme Burn, an energetic HIIT, non-step format also created by Phil — Lets burn some calories the Xtreme Way!



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